Introduction into yoga

Introduction into yoga
Join us for an afternoon gentle flow Yoga and heart warming breathing exercises – nurture and restore your body & mind.
Over 2 hours we’ll cover the elements of our longer beginners course introducing the most common poses you’ll find in a yoga practice, with a focus on safe alignment & modifications.
We’ll gently introduce the poses, break them down with modifications & then finish with a simple sequence to put everything into practice & recreate a regular class environment.
We’ll also spend a short amount of the time exploring Yin Yoga, exploring the difference between Yin and Yang Yoga.
Suited to people who are new to yoga, those who have practised before but taken a break and those who want to enjoy a morning of gentle Yoga
By the end of the session you’ll be more confident with the poses & feel comfortable enough join in our open classes.
£20 for workshop

A Day Retreat // A day of Yoga

Start the new year with more than just good intentions.
January is a powerful time and a great opportunity for a brand-new start, for devoting time to ourselves and refocusing.
Join us for a day of Yoga. A day of flow, meditation, journaling, setting new intentions, Yin Yoga, breathwork and Yoga Nidra.
Our day together will offer you the opportunity to clear old habits and patterns that hold you back from healing, growth or transformation. Come along to feel inspired and set your positive intentions for the year to come.
More about our day …
We begin our day by getting into the body and recharging energies. We start with breathing exercises and a slow-flow practice, moving to a more energising vinyasa practice. Our flowing practice will focus on energising and detoxing the body, it will include elements of twisting, core work and some backbends. You’ll practice to your own level, bringing a sense of freedom and ease to both into your Yoga practice and your everyday life.
We’ll then roll into a deep, calming yin-introspective afternoon. We’ll meditate, journal and do an energising yet deeply restorative Yin practice. Concluding our day with a deeply nourishing Yoga Nidra.
Make 2020 your year!
All levels of practice welcome.
Sunday 25th January 2020 10-4pm
Bywell & Newton Village Hall.
Lunch is included.
Early bird price £50 (until end Dec 31st), £60 thereafter